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CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, involves changing thoughts, its the cognitive part, and actions, the behavior pattern, that interfere with leading a fulfilling and healthy life. The aim of CBT is to help you become your own therapist, and the skills are practical, goal-oriented, and can be practiced every day. Some CBT strategies aim to change thoughts and behaviors, while others promote mindfulness and awareness. Anxiety may cause your thoughts to wander, you may fret about the past, or about what might go wrong in the future. Mindfulness helps focus your attention on whatever you’re doing right now, in the present moment. Acceptance strategies help you cope with, and even accept, uncomfortable situations or emotions that you can’t control or change. THE CBT MODEL OF EMOTIONS CBT breaks emotions down into three parts: thoughts , physical sensations, and behaviors. Say you’re afraid of dogs and you see a dog coming toward you along the sidewalk. You feel afraid—that’s your ...

Understanding Vibration - The Foundation of Sound Healing


The Schumann Frequency, also known as the Schumann Resonance of our home, planet Earth, is measured in Hertz, and there is solid scientific evidence to point to its existence. You may experience the same symptoms as the astronauts did in space if the Schumann Frequency around you is disrupted by metal wiring, metal roofs, and reinforced concrete. This might explain why industrial and high-rise buildings filled with computer equipment and electronic devices are sometimes said to have sick building syndrome. 

People have headaches, become irritable, and feel drained as their natural biorhythms entrain to the frequency of the building instead of the Earth. On Earth, we are constantly affected by the Schumann Resonance, and our thoughts and emotional state (and thus our vibrational state) interact with and affect it in turn. The similarity of the 7.8-Hertz Earth resonance and human brainwave rhythms was quickly identified after the Schumann resonances were first measured, and early studies were able to demonstrate a correlation between these resonances and brain rhythms. 


Scientists have documented a conversation between the heart and the brain, both electrical and magnetic, in which the heart is by far the dominant transmitter. Its transmissions are 5,000 times stronger than those of the brain. When we feel something strongly, the electrical impulse we create has the power to change us. That is how (and why) affirmations work.
