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CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, involves changing thoughts, its the cognitive part, and actions, the behavior pattern, that interfere with leading a fulfilling and healthy life. The aim of CBT is to help you become your own therapist, and the skills are practical, goal-oriented, and can be practiced every day. Some CBT strategies aim to change thoughts and behaviors, while others promote mindfulness and awareness. Anxiety may cause your thoughts to wander, you may fret about the past, or about what might go wrong in the future. Mindfulness helps focus your attention on whatever you’re doing right now, in the present moment. Acceptance strategies help you cope with, and even accept, uncomfortable situations or emotions that you can’t control or change. THE CBT MODEL OF EMOTIONS CBT breaks emotions down into three parts: thoughts , physical sensations, and behaviors. Say you’re afraid of dogs and you see a dog coming toward you along the sidewalk. You feel afraid—that’s your ...

Ackee - Shade Tree For Diabetes Mellitus Treatment

ackee fruit
Ackee botanical term was Blighia sapida K.D. Koenig, sometimes called Akee and might have difference name, depend on where the location is. As a kind of sapindaceae family, this herb plant is able grow  10 to 12m of height when maturity. It has a trunk up to 1.8m in circumference and a dense crown of spreading branches.

Ackee leaves are compound with 3-5 pairs of oblong, obovate-oblong or elliptic leaflets with 1.5 - 3.0cm long and round at the pole. Akee is suitable for tree planting and City Park as a shade tree because it has not attractive shape for children.

Ackee herb uses as natural alternative medicinal for diabetes mellitus treatment. Its fruit is relished by humans and the leaves are eaten by ruminants. The fruit is very visible protruding approximately 6 to 7 fruit on a stalk.

Herbs contain and composition:

Ackee is well known for their poisonous unripe aril that contains hypoglycin A, a water-soluble liver toxin that inhibits gluconeogenesis thus leading to hypoglycemia. Herbal leaf, fruit peel, aril, and seeds contain gamma-GT, hyplglycin A and B. These compounds provide herbal effect to cause hypoglycemic (lowering levels of glucose in the blood).

However, on exposure to sun as the fruit ripens and splits, the concentration of the toxin falls rapidly to a tolerable level for humans, and the fruit is then boiled or consumed fresh.

How to use Ackee as alternative medicinal herbs for diabetes mellitus:

  • Take 1-2 Ackee fruit
  • Boil with 3 cups of water
  • Add little salt as necessary
  • Wait until the boiling water only remaining 1 cup
  • Drinking once in afternoon each day
