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CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, involves changing thoughts, its the cognitive part, and actions, the behavior pattern, that interfere with leading a fulfilling and healthy life. The aim of CBT is to help you become your own therapist, and the skills are practical, goal-oriented, and can be practiced every day. Some CBT strategies aim to change thoughts and behaviors, while others promote mindfulness and awareness. Anxiety may cause your thoughts to wander, you may fret about the past, or about what might go wrong in the future. Mindfulness helps focus your attention on whatever you’re doing right now, in the present moment. Acceptance strategies help you cope with, and even accept, uncomfortable situations or emotions that you can’t control or change. THE CBT MODEL OF EMOTIONS CBT breaks emotions down into three parts: thoughts , physical sensations, and behaviors. Say you’re afraid of dogs and you see a dog coming toward you along the sidewalk. You feel afraid—that’s your ...

Chinese Herbs The Most Traditional Herbal Used

ginseng the most herbal uses
Chinese herbs are a separate category of medicines altogether and rightfully so. They can strengthen the immune system, inhibit the growth of tumors, manage blood pressure and increase sexuality; indeed, the range is very wide. There are numerous herbs, including those that are considered common and those that are the jealously guarded secrets of traditional Chinese herbalists.

Here are some examples of Chinese herbs and what all they can be used for:

Ginseng - Ginseng is a commonly available root that has a flair for healing and rejuvenation. The Korean ginseng, for example, stimulates the cerebral cortex and counters exhaustion and extreme infirmity. It helps to replenish depleted energy and body fluids. It can also stimulate the sex glands and is capable of removing toxins from the body. The taste is mildly bittersweet.

Reishi mushrooms - The black and red Reishi mushrooms are other examples of prized Chinese herbs. They can strengthen the immune system, increase vitality of white blood corpuscles and accentuate the impact of anti-oxidants. These mushrooms also have a calming influence on the mind. They alleviate insomnia and female sexual dysfunction.

Lotus - The Lotus seed is yet another indispensable Chinese herb. It tones the kidney and spleen and eases diarrhea.  It stimulates appetite and has a sweet to neutral taste.

Licorice - The Licorice root comes as a blessing because it can detoxify the body, invigorating and cooling it down at the same time. It acts as an analgesic and can regulate the action of other herbs. It can also be used as a natural sweetener.

Ginko biloba - Ginko biloba is a distinguished herb and arguably the oldest in traditional Chinese medicine. It has proven beneficial effects on the heart and lungs. It is used to treat coughs, asthma, and chronic allergic inflammation, and is one of the best herbal nutritional supplements available.
