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CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, involves changing thoughts, its the cognitive part, and actions, the behavior pattern, that interfere with leading a fulfilling and healthy life. The aim of CBT is to help you become your own therapist, and the skills are practical, goal-oriented, and can be practiced every day. Some CBT strategies aim to change thoughts and behaviors, while others promote mindfulness and awareness. Anxiety may cause your thoughts to wander, you may fret about the past, or about what might go wrong in the future. Mindfulness helps focus your attention on whatever you’re doing right now, in the present moment. Acceptance strategies help you cope with, and even accept, uncomfortable situations or emotions that you can’t control or change. THE CBT MODEL OF EMOTIONS CBT breaks emotions down into three parts: thoughts , physical sensations, and behaviors. Say you’re afraid of dogs and you see a dog coming toward you along the sidewalk. You feel afraid—that’s your ...

Sonorous Voice With Agrimony

Agrimony Herb - Uses And Side Effects

What is Agrimony ?

The Greeks supposedly used agrimony to treat eye problems. The Anglo-Saxons, who called the herb garelive, apparently used it for wounds. One early herbal remedy for Internal bleeding involved swallowing a mixture of agrimony, human blood, and pulverized frog parts. Today, some herbalists recommend agrimony as a throat-soothing gargle for speakers and singers.

Sometimes used as a dye, agrimony comes from the leaves, stems, and flowers of the dried herb Agrimonia oupstoria, which grows in the western United States, Europe, and Asia. Pale yellow in September, this plant turns deep yellow later in the year. Some people use agrimony as a tea or poultice as well as a gargle.

Other names for Agrimony :

Other names for agrimony include church steeples, cocklebur, liverwort, philanthropos, sticklewort, and stickwort. A product containing agrimony is sold as Potter's Piletabs in England. 
Common doses of Agrimony

Agrimony is available as tablets or teas. Experts know little about appropriate doses for any medicinal use. One source suggests adding 2 to 4 teaspoons of dried leaves per cup of water to make a tea to be taken once a day. Other sources suggest making a compress of agrimony to apply topically to sores.

Agrimony herbal uses

    * Gargle
    * Sedative
    * Asthma
    * Back pain
    * Corns
    * Eye problems
    * Fluid retention
    * To thicken the blood
    * Tumors
    * Warts
    * Wound healing

Side effects of Agrimony

Call your health care practitioner if you experience any of these possible side effects of agrimony:

    * allergic reaction
    * skin sensitivity to sunlight


Combining herbs with certain drugs may alter their action or produce unwanted side effects. Tell your health care practitioner about any prescription or nonprescription drugs you're taking.

Important points to remember

    * Don't use agrimony if you're allergic to rose plants.
    * Avoid this herb if you're pregnant or breast-feeding.
    * Watch for skin reaction if you apply agrimony to your skin.
    * Avoid strong sunlight because agrimony increases the risk of sunburn.

What the research shows

Experts have little information about agrimony's safety and effectiveness. Thus, they don't recommend the herb for medicinal purposes
